Free Surname Chart with Soundex



Have you ever had an ancestor that seemed to have a different spelling with each census and vital record they filled out? There are a few basic search tips for dealing with surnames like this, including using the ‘Sounds like’, ‘Similar’, and ‘Soundex’ options on Ancestry. These let you search for names that are pretty close to the term that you entered, a more comprehensive way to search a database than just with a single keyword.

Soundex is a particularly helpful tool when researching names that tend to be frequently misspelled. In short, a Soundex code consists of a letter and three numbers, assigned to a word based on a Soundex coding guide. 

The last name Rybczak, for instance, would be R-122 and Ashcraft would be A-261. There are various tools available to help with these conversions, but it’s nice to know the how behind the method.    

The last name Wajdak, one I research often, has a soundex code of W232. Wojtak, Wojdak, and Wojtach are also found under this code, so searching W232 searches all these names at once, as well as the dozens of others that fall under this code

Knowing the Soundex code of a name you frequently search will not be the end of your searching woes, I assure you! But it is one more tool in your genealogy toolbox that you can use to help find what you are searching for. 

To help my research on names I find frequently misspelled, I started keeping a list of surname variants I came across and where they appeared. This not only lets me keep track of possibilities to use in future database queries, but also helps me analyze differences in surnames over time

After a few requests, I published the fillable chart I personally use but wanted to add something to it. The second page contains a mini-lesson on Soundex along with some outbound links that take you directly to a Soundex converter. There’s room on the chart for numerous spelling variations of a surname along with the sources where you found various spellings. 

To get access to the free, interactive/fillable PDF, you need to make a quick account over at my MemberVIP page and then you’ll get instant access to my Fillable Surname Chart with Soundex.

Happy Researching!

- Patricia Gray

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